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Easily install a Canvas server on your own machine

The system is built to be as easy as possible to install and run. This is done by packaging the application in Docker images and hosting them on the Docker Hub.

Install Docker

First thing you need to do is to install Docker on your machine.

Install the utility package

Make sure you have Git installed and do the following:

git clone
cd mmooc

Configure it

Edit env-example. Save it as env. You must fill in the following fields in section 1:

  • CANVAS_LMS_ADMIN_EMAIL - This is the user name you will login with.
  • CANVAS_LMS_ADMIN_PASSWORD - This is the password you will login with.
  • CANVAS_LMS_ACCOUNT_NAME - This is the account you will have admin rights for.

In section 2:

  • DOMAIN=localhost

Boot it

In a terminal window:

On Mac or Linux

./mm boot

On windows


Booting the system will take some minutes. When it is finished, check that you have the following containers running:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        ...     NAMES
0b7d6fead167        ...     haproxy
311e1547299d        ...     web
b3c7b886283f        ...     cache
c3fcb357ef70        ...     db

Open a web browser and navigate to localhost.

Note that it can take a long time to load the system in the browser the first time you try. If you get a timeout, do a reload of the browser to try again.

Restarting / resetting

On Mac or Linux

If you need to restart the running services after ./mm boot,

./mm reboot

will stop, remove, re-pull and start the web, cache and database services. If you need to get rid of the data as well, they’re contained in two containers named db-data and web-data. The following command will do the same as reboot, but wipe the data containers as well:

./mm reset

On windows

The reboot command on Mac/Linux do nothing else than a

./docker stop web 
./docker rm web 

./docker stop cache 
./docker rm cache 

./docker stop db 
./docker rm db 

The Mac/Linux reset command, stops and removes the containers mentioned above, as well as

./docker stop web-data
./docker rm web-data 

./docker stop db-data 
./docker rm db-data 

You can register in the course “MatematikkMOOC-design” at to learn more about how to run your local Canvas server. Note that this course is in norwegian.